Read the information related to the contract of the collaborator.
Start date
We expose the collaborator date when the person starts in the company which is the first day of a collaborator in the company or the legal date on the contract, not the the creation date of the collaborator.
Note that the date will change if the collaborator leaves the company and come back later.
This date is equal to startDateInCompany()
This field can be optional for some collaborators.
Why: we will sometimes expose only collaborator data and not contract data
Termination date
We expose the collaborator date when the person stops collaborating with the company. If the collaborator leaves the company but starts again few years later, the same collaborator will be used, but the termination date should then be removed.
We expose the date of last active or current active contract of the collaborator. It will help you to remove an employee from your database
If there is an active contract take End Date of the last active contract and if there is no longer active contract, take the last contrat who have been active.
This field can be optional for some collaborators.
PS: Partners should never use this data for Rights Management.
status allow to filter only on collaborator with an active contract
Updated almost 2 years ago