Personal data

Synchronize personal data of collaborators to avoid double manual entries.

Here's the list of fields available for synchronization :

Collaborator ID

The collaborator ID is a compulsory data when the admin creates a new collaborator in PayFit.

The Collaborator ID is unique to PayFit. It cannot be forced by an external system. It will be used as the common identifier to match collaborators with the partner.

First name

The first name is a compulsory data when the admin creates a new collaborator in PayFit.

The middle name in France or the second name in Spain are not available in the API.

Last name

The first name is a compulsory data when the admin creates a new collaborator in PayFit.

Date of birth

The first name is a compulsory data when the admin creates a new collaborator in PayFit.

The date of birth is exposed in ISO format.


In France the responses for gender will be man, woman or other.

In Spain the responses will be man or woman.


The email address is compulsory in PayFit at collaborator creation. It is always a personal address.

Professional email

PayFit will expose the collaborator professional email only for UK and Spain, but the field is not compulsory.

Phone number

The field phone number can be either a personal or a professional phone number. It will be precised if it is a personal or professional phone number.

Personal adress

PayFit exposes the collaborator personal address composed of the address, post code, city and the country.

Note that the street number is not available right now. We prefer to use the formatted address line available in the dataLayer where every countries are align to display :

streetType+streetName+streetNumber` but in an order depending of the country. The order won’t matter for our partner, but the all package will.

πŸ‘€ Have a look at PayFit creation of collaborator in πŸ‡«πŸ‡·