Scopes for partners


OAuth scopes let you specify exactly what your PayFit app can access on a PayFit user's account. As a PayFit app developer, you specify your desired scopes in the initial OAuth authorization request. When a user is responding to your OAuth request, the requested scopes will be displayed to them when they are asked to approve your request.


Collaborators Scopes
  • collaborators:securite-sociale:read: Deprecated. Use collaborators:social-security:read instead.
  • collaborators:read: Read general information of collaborators.
  • collaborators:contracts:read: Read contract information of collaborators.
  • collaborators:management:read: Read information about organisation and management.
  • collaborators:meal-vouchers:read: Read meal vouchers information of collaborators.
  • collaborators:personal:read: Read personal data of collaborators.
  • collaborators:social-security:read: Read the social security identifiers of collaborators.
  • collaborators:legal-identity:read: Read the legal identity information of collaborators.
  • collaborators:bank-info:read : Read the bank information of collaborators
Contracts Scopes
  • contracts:read: List the employees contracts of a given company.
  • contracts:payslips:read: List and retrieve the payslips linked to a contract.
Accounting Scopes
  • accounting:read: Read the accounting data.
Time Scopes
  • time:read: Read the Time data (only worked day for now).